White charcoal illustration.
Self Portraits
Made with charcoal and ink.
Mixed media collage.
Figure Drawing (Nude) and Still Life
A still life and figure drawing made with black and white charcoal.
Line Art
Some practice line work made in Adobe Illustrator.
Midnight's Salon
A business card and bi-fold brochure I designed for the fictional Midnight’s Salon.
Graphic Design, Branding
Please Feed the Artists
A digital art piece I created in Photoshop for a t-shirt design contest.
Illustration, Design
Campaign to Conserve Posters
Poster designs for Temple University's Campaign to Conserve, the challenge was to grab the attention of college students. 
Graphic Design
Chemical X
A logo and website banner I made for a friends athletic clothing brand.
Graphic Design, Branding
Save Point
Promo images for the show Save Point, a show about video games, that aired on Monmouth University’s HawkTV twice a day.
Graphic Design, Illustration
A digital art piece I created in Photoshop by combining a number of pictures I found on Pinterest as well as adding many effects.
Illustration, Digital Art, Visual Effects
An illustration I made in Adobe Illustrator. Inspired by the work of Don Kenn.
A Witch's Familiar
A short non-dialogue film I wrote, directed, shot, and edited in Adobe Premier.
Video, Film
Honeymoon Cafe Rebrand
A new logo, postcard, and animation for the Honeymoon Cafe.
Graphic Design, Branding, Motion Graphics
Honeymoon Cafe
Branding I designed for a fictional cafe that is open all night - perfect for college students.
Graphic Design, Branding
Cosmic Woman
Two versions of an illustration I made with Adobe Illustrator.
Logo, start screen and some unedited stills I took from an app I made called KelidoPhoto. The app takes the camera on your phone and reflects the image three ways to create a kaleidoscope effect. I used Android SDK and coded it in the program Processing.
Graphic Design, Branding, Mobile Application Development
Electric Circus
The poster, tickets, brochure and T-Shirt I designed for the fictional electronic musical festival Electric Circus.
Graphic Design, Branding
Stronger Together
A logo and a few PowerPoint theme backgrounds I made for the “Stronger Together” campaign of a pharmaceutical and medical technology company.
Graphic Design, Branding, Powerpoint
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